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renovations & development

Can we continue to make
     and remake our homes out
  of what is already there?

The way we use our homes has changed dramatically in the last few years. Nowadays, a home is not just space for living – it is also a place for working, it’s a classroom, an atelier, a gym … and we have an opportunity to start building differently.

Homely’s mission is to find run-down apartments in the beautiful Swiss canton of Aargau and turn them into practical, sustainable & compact homes built for new ways of living.

Together with our team of local architects and furniture designers we have developed the homely 5:5 Renovation Concept, which builds on on five key principles and five focus points to breathe new life into old spaces and re-imagine them anew.

Do you have a property to renovate? Fast-track your project with our source book, or contact us directly to explore how we can help.

Join the Revolution!

Cristina and Domi in the staircase
Cristina and Domi in the staircase
Colors and Materials

Our five 
   principles —

Number 1

S’Hüüsli mit Härz

We renovate with love; for our properties, our future owners, our communities and our planet.
Number 2

Circular Economy

We seek to recycle and re-use the raw materials from our renovations to minimize construction waste and limit our carbon footprint.
Number 3

Do More with Less

Our renovation concept is cost-effective yet high-quality, easy to implement and won’t break the bank.
Number 4

Better Use of Space

We re-think living in less square meters through multi-purpose rooms and clever modular furniture built for modern-day needs.
Number 5

New Ways of Building

We renovate using only the most of innovative building methods, employing natural and sustainable materials and implementing energy-efficient upgrades where possible.

S’Hüüsli mit HärzWe believe that intelligent renovations can create beautiful & practical homes even with limited square meters and that more people should have the opportunity to own a space which is not just affordable, but also suited to the needs of modern-day living.

Five Focus
   Points —

select each image to learn more

Living room with sun rays


The quality of natural light is key to our renovations, and we shape the internal layout carefully to make the most of available daylight.

Colors and Materials


Our focus is on high-quality materials sourced sustainably, crafted by nature, and built to be functional, adaptable, and ultimately recyclable. We do not use glue or any adhesive in our builds or in our modular furniture, allowing for the re-usability of each piece.
Corridor with large window


In order to ensure spaces feel bright and connected to the outdoors, we seek to minimize fixed partitions wherever possible.
Storage plan with hands


We firmly believe that the key to living comfortably in smaller spaces is having enough flexible storage solutions. We have therefore designed a range of modular, intelligent pieces which can be adapted to any floor plan.
Fireplace with ski


We look for opportunities to maximize energy efficiency and lower running costs.