Can we continue to make
and remake our homes out
of what is already there?
Homely’s mission is to find run-down apartments in the beautiful Swiss canton of Aargau and turn them into practical, sustainable & compact homes built for new ways of living.
Together with our team of local architects and furniture designers we have developed the homely 5:5 Renovation Concept, which builds on on five key principles and five focus points to breathe new life into old spaces and re-imagine them anew.
Do you have a property to renovate? Fast-track your project with our source book, or contact us directly to explore how we can help.
Join the Revolution!
Our five
principles —
S’Hüüsli mit Härz
Circular Economy
Do More with Less
Better Use of Space
New Ways of Building
S’Hüüsli mit HärzWe believe that intelligent renovations can create beautiful & practical homes even with limited square meters and that more people should have the opportunity to own a space which is not just affordable, but also suited to the needs of modern-day living.
Five Focus
Points —
select each image to learn more
The quality of natural light is key to our renovations, and we shape the internal layout carefully to make the most of available daylight.